Discover the most seamless way to buy BEAM with Clapp. Our platform offers real-time price tracking, secure transactions, and a user-friendly interface to make your BEAM purchases quick and hassle-free. Whether you're new to crypto or a seasoned investor, Clapp ensures that buying BEAM is simple, reliable, and efficient.
The current price of BEAM is €0.006045, reflecting a -0.5%% change in the last 24 hours. Over the past hour, BEAM's price shifted by 0.25%%, and over the past week, it moved -19.4%%. Leverage Clapp's accurate market data to make the best decisions when investing in BEAM.
BEAM is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency designed to provide secure and confidential transactions. Utilizing the Mimblewimble protocol, BEAM ensures that all transaction details, including sender, receiver, and amounts, remain private.
Launched in 2019, BEAM aims to combine scalability with enhanced privacy features, making it a top choice for users looking for confidentiality in blockchain transactions. BEAM supports various use cases, including confidential DeFi operations and tokenization, while ensuring a user-friendly experience for both developers and crypto enthusiasts.
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